Boost your vocabulary in foreign languages with regular fun excersises!
Efficient approach
The vocabulary is put into the context of full sentences
Practice not only words but also their forms
Powered by AI
Leveraging the best-in-class model from OpenAI
Fun to practice an infinite number of live-generated excercises
Focus on the relevant scope of words tailored to each user
Extensive statistics on progress for each session and over time
Works in telegram messenger - no need to download any additional apps
Everything is automated, and no need to manage word lists or flash-cards
Frequently asked questions
How much does it cost?
First 100 words are free of charge; afterwards a monthly fee
Which languages do you support?
Beta version: learn German with explanations in English.
Going forward, we will make it available in more pairs of languages.
What is the history behind creating this tool?
We wrote the tool for ourselves, as we have not found anything as great and as convenient on the market, but are happy to share it with the world now.